New Year's 2019

Bring It On

Every year, like most people I have this amazing urge to do something great, lose weight, learn an instrument, write an album or something absurdly unachievable. Within a week, I find that I've already broken my resolution and I'm back on the track to being my usual self- unchanged from the previous year. 

This year, I thought I’d set down two types of resolutions: some general goals on what kind of a person I would like to be, and specific targets that I would like to achieve by 2020.

Personal Goals

I have a bad habit of procrastinating, overworking myself, getting distracted easily and not being able to give it my 100% all the time. I want to change this.

1. Be grateful

2. Stay eager to learn

3. Be humble

4. Practice self care

5. Daily effort 

6. Practice mutual respect

7. Eat healthy

8. Exercise daily

Specific Targets

1. Get recruited by the company of my choice

2. Publish two peer reviewed papers at international conferences and publications (ICTM and ISMIR)

3. Finish writing the visual and audio set for my album

4.Save 40% of my income

5. Establish the perfect work-school-life balance

6. Finish applying to graduate schools

7. Find a stable relationship ( yes this is important ) 

8. Upload one piece of code to GitHub everyday

9. Practice piano everyday