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I'm Hideo, and I'm a creative technologist and technical artist. I make interactive art, tools and websites.


Unreal | Houdini | Blender | NextJS | WebGL | ThreeJS | Python | TouchDesigner | Adobe


Please drop a message at info [at] hideodaikoku.com if you're interested in getting in touch!



In 2020, my friends and I started WaveCut Studios, a small CG and Web freelance production studio from my tiny apartment in Kanagawa. 

In 2021, we worked with Synflux on their exhibition in Roppongi's 21_21 design sight. 

In 2022 we released our first AR game, SMACK using Niantic's Lightship in Unity. 

Past clients include Placy, Synflux, Canopus JP, Public Arts, Kraken & Point Blank Capital.

We make custom websites in WebGL and do visual R&D for interactive storytelling.
